Easy-pV + VTE is the one stop solution for all your PV plant maintenance needs. From air (thermographic analysis with drones), ground (string boxes, cabin and devices monitoring and control) and control room (executive monitoring, historical analysis, alarm management) every aspect of your PV plant is monitored and checked thus ensuring greater productivity and lower operating costs.


Inverters / String Boxes



Maintenance time saving
Plant topography automated building
Types of anomalies recognition
Anomaly positioning accuracy
Panels / Anomalies recognition in post processing
Panels automatedrecognition

- RPAS algorithm integrated with high accuracy positioning
- VTE & EPVComplete solution for PV maintenance
- DATACataloguing and Automated report in few minutes
PV Industry is reaching the “age of maturity” with respect to existing PV plants, therefore further attention is being given towards maintenance technologies and processes in order to enhance energy production. A considerable number of modules in a mid-size might result defective, lowering the whole plant’s productivity.
Thermographic analysis is the best and most effective way to find out defective cells and modules. Thermal inspections are valuable for PV owners and O&M maintainers, but procedures for such inspection are still done by operators with handheld cameras, being time consuming and sometimes expensive due to safety costs for the personnel involved in the operations.
The growing technology of RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) represents a cost effective solution to reduce time, costs and risks for personnel involved in maintenance operations.
State-of-the-art solution of PV plants inspections by means of RPAS system are still in an early prototyping phase, being performed by manual RPAS flights and visual live (real time) thermal recognition of broken modules. Such operations are not fully automated yet and the recognition of a broken module might result very difficult in a large PV plant when considering the GPS positioning accuracy/precision compared with the dimension of a PV module (1,00 m x 0,60 m).
Therefore, EASY PV solution is focused on the usage of thermal cameras installed on board a drone in order to detect thermal anomalies on the defective modules. The enabling technology is integration of computer vision algortihms and high accuracy GNSS positioning: the defetive module is straightforwardly identified by comparing the position of a geo-referenced defective module with the RPAS high accuracy positioning.

Vte is the component of the system dedicated to operation & maintenance activities and executive monitoring of the plants. Starting from data acquisition from the field (inverters, string boxes, sensors etc.) through alarm management and production reporting up to data analysis and data correlation form multiple plants, VTE covers all needs for PV plants management.
Fully manageable via web or with mobile apps, VTE also integrates asset management (inventory, efficiency, spare parts), video surveillance and field force management so that is the perfect solution also for large maintenance companies with a large number of plants located in different areas.
After the thermographic expert completed his evaluation of all collected data, a customized report in “.pdf” format can be generated for each performed campaign, containing at least the following information:
- Reference standard: describes the rules and standard applicable to all document
- Test Condition: contains the environmental data on which the mission was performed
- Plant Data: contains the main data of the plant
- Survey Methods: contains a list of typical anomaly and how each of them is classified
Survey results: contains a list of panel that with at least a defect. Also describes for each defective panel the following information
- Panel location
- Inspection date
- Optical pictures
- thermal pictures,
- acquisition time
- Anomaly type
- thermographic expert opinion
- Conclusions: contains the general opinion by the thermographic expert operator on the mission results and on plant conditions

How it works!
Easy PV
- Mission Planning
- Automatic plant design
- Post processing of mission data (automatic and with user interaction) with 15 types of anomaly recognized
- Report generation
- Historical archiving and management for mission data and plant issues
- Plant design and configuration
- Raw data acquisition from plant (string boxes, inverters, thermal sensors, meters, electrical devices etc.) with real time update
- Processing and validation of datas with historical archiving
- Alarms generation and propagation
- Controlling of peripheral devices (manual or with procedures)
- Report and analysis on plant malfunctions
Developing Partners